To finish off the process of creating my website I made refinements to my home page and developed the rest of my case studies including process and final product in each. Some of the refinements including adding/removing buttons and altering padding and margins, also adding a brief about section to my home page which gave an overview of what I currently do and where I study. I continued to the point of completion of 4 case studies for the critique in week 7 and the remainder of my pages developed including a home for all of the case studies in the ‘studio’ section.


In week 7, we received the final review for our portfolio websites. From this suggestions such as adding a design process section into my about page and also to adjust my layout in case study pages, instead of it being laid out as title-info-photo, it could be more in a grid format. Another small edit was to change the “studio” title to be my work. Finally, it was suggested that I add more detail into my case studies to show the development process. Once these changes are made I believe my website will be near the point of completion.

IXD301 - Designing with Content