In week 6, we looked at dealing with approaches and strategies. Everything starts with a story, in Northern Ireland we are renowned to be good storytellers and in our websites it is key to explain the story of the product from beginning to end We also can tell our story as a designer through social media and this can often increase sales and interest in our work.

It is key for us to remember as young designers how we position ourselves on social media, for me this is having two separate accounts on instagram - to ensure I keep my design work and sporting/personal life separate. The way we appear and promote ourselves on social media creates opportunities and it is key that we put out what we want to do in the future, for example Paddy Donnelly wanted to transition into children’s books illustration so he started producing that content and putting it online. Other things we ca do online include networking such as on twitter or linked in and also can attend design conferences.

Another way to promote ourselves is by word of mouth, in Northern Ireland when people have a good experience we tend to tell others about it - if people experience a good service from you as a designer they will tell others and word will spread. For this reason it is key to always produce your best work no matter who it is for and what price you are doing it for.

IXD301 - Designing with Content