No Code tools replace are set to replace standard coding with clicking or drag and drop actions. While researching I realised that in most cases, no code tools involve the user interacting with a GUI and is referred to as visual programming.

While researching the hashtag #nocode on twitter I came across a link to this website. It offers tools for many cases, such as websites, blogs, applications and online shops. This opens the world of coding and programming up to everyone, this could be concerning for front end developers who specialise in programming websites and apps, but this also could make their jobs a lot easier, allowing them (and others) to build websites quicker and cheaper.

With the use of No Code tools, the options are almost endless. There are so many options of what can be done on websites, apps and much more that it will be very useful. For myself, I would not very knowledgeable within programming and can just about code basic HTML so this tool will be very useful.

IXD302 - Creative Entrepreneurship