To start getting an understanding for the content and how it could be laid out/formatted, I have started to typeset my content. This allows me to consider the content and how it could be best laid out before wire framing. For my project I decided to use the type ’Mokoko’ for the headings and subheadings along with using it for quotes, highlighted pieces of text and links in the body text. To make the majority of the body text easier to read I have used a sans serif type ’Europa’, this will increase the readability and legibility of the whole product and adds a further contrast between headings and body text.

I decided on the layout of using serif headings with sans serif type by looking at the Sherlock Holmes museum website, seeing how the two type styles work together on this website allowed me to conclude that this was the way forward for my work.

Typesetting was a new process for me, as I had not done this on prior projects, but as this project is content heavy and is a useful process to understand how the content would be best laid out and format different content if necessary. I will continue this process with all of my content and then start considering wire frames to focus on developing a layout and design.

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IXD304 - Storytelling and Narrative